Temia boosted

Following up to my last question, is there any easy way to migrate from Pleroma to Mastodon? :boost_ok:

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Popping back in here to ask: is there a recommended instance blacklist that I could submit to my current instance admin? We've got a bit of a situation.

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Temia boosted
Temia boosted

@bobby_newmark "You're supposed to be asleep! Stop read()ing under the covers with that sqlite!"

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Temia boosted

in which a wigglytuff is tired. 

tbh two things are true:

1. hurting from mental illness is valid and real

2. hurting other people because of your mental illness is bad

and i wish people would realize that what you broadcast to the world can fall under number 2. please, please, let people opt-in instead of opt-out. clicking the cw box and typing "mh-" is not that hard.

i am so tired of mastodon as a many-headed hydra of people dumping this on everyone, and for one mute another two heads grow

Temia boosted

πŸ“’ Ten Forward moderation announcement πŸ“’

The following domains have been preemptively suspended from Ten Forward:


Reason - these are domains owned by the known TERF admin of spinster.xyz who is offering them to anyone who wants to set up more (presumably TERF) instances.

Sun Sep 8 20:47:37 UTC 2019


Temia boosted

Remember to take your meds and engage in self-care! Feeling good about yourself is a lot easier when you don't feel like a mess, tautological as it may be

To elaborate, I got roped into helping set up an FFXIV-centric instance named warkr.me

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So I'm now an instance administrator for a small semi-private thing. Any advice fellow mastodon admins could pass my way? :boost_ok:

Temia boosted

Amazon: Piracy bad! DRM all the things!

User: Fuck, Amazon prime doesn't work on Linux. *Pirates instead*

Amazon: :pika:

Helping a friend set up an in-character FFXIV instance on masto.host. This could be fun

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a final hot take for tonight:
slimness in tech is highly overrated and expensive stuff should be repairable for as long as possible

(and also all other stuff tbh, but whatever. if i pay a lot for a device, i expect to be allowed to do with it what i want.)

Temia boosted
Temia boosted

Me: zzz
Clementine: now playing Possessed by Disease

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!