Dammit, I just made this meme and everyone's going apeshit over the direct! Could your timing have been any worse? D: #ffxiv
Are we charat posting? c: https://charat.me/chibi/create/?share=Iqel7LMO #charat
Getting in on this uncyclopedia eorzea generator @wigglytuffitout posted. No good screencaps of Camilla so she'll have to wait for now. http://luckybancho.ldblog.jp/uncyclopediaeorzea_en.html #ffxiv
On happier subjects, I got a new phone! And the wallpaper has fairies! <3
(source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=4920278)
I got a cute picture of Temia from Wanderpus during one of her streams and I love it <3 Check http://twitch.tv/wanderpus for her stream schedule if you're interested!
(cw: eye contact)
birdsite, ffxiv
Still one of my favourite tweets, and one among many miqo'te facts from @coeurlclaw@twitter.com that I love #ffxiv
Technological tinker, greenhorn gamedev, fairy fanatic π¨π¦