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when your child comes out as trans, you don't lose anything at all, you gain a new understanding of your child you didn't have before

I don't think it was boosted either but I can't find it now

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someone I'm 99% sure I don't follow was on my feed

dear cis people 

you are not our teachers that are going to show us the way to your gender

fuck off

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nsfw tmi 

I rly wanna get eaten out........

please help my friend, shes one of my favorite people around here ~

Housing needed in Redmond, WA area 

Hey, I'm a trans girl attending DigiPen who needs a place to stay, at least for April but possibly over the summer as well.

I need a queer-friendly place that allows me space to work in peace. Having a bus route that goes near DigiPen, or being within a mile or two of it, is also necessary.

Please let me know ASAP if you have or know a setup that MIGHT work for me. Things are tight for me right now, so anything you can offer me is really appreciated. 💜


i really should j/o today......

suicide mention, relationships, vague (not about any of u though of course) 

my (hopefully soon to be ex-) gf: *disappears for over a month off of everything and I'm literally terrified that they killed themself then comes back out of nowhere* hey sorry life was busy and stuff :/ you know how it is :/ I love you though!!!

i kinda wanna play outlast but isn't it like disgustingly ableist

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!