I predict that, in a couple of years, a benefit of knowing a non-English language will be to search for information written by humans. The LLMs are only fluent in English.

2000: you search in English because there isn’t enough on the Web in other languages

2010: you search in English because what you find in other languages is SEO scam “translations” by WebHostingGeeks dot com

2020: you search in English so you can find Reddit results, the ones that still help

2025: you search in French because the chat-bots can’t fake expertise in it

2030: same but in Indonesian this time


@arborelia the year is 2039. it is 3 AM and i am furiously studying Sentinelese. if i can become fluent by 7, then I'll have a good 18 minutes before the chatbots catch up and take up all the good search results. i'm ahead of schedule. i take a sip from my water bottle, the one i got so that i could study Xhosa, eyeing the time on the wall. the clock hands taunt me with their movements, jittery and rigid. my pen meets paper again and i continue my linguistic manifesto.

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