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deltarune, spoilers 

how upset do you think the entire internet would be if ralsei turned out to be the real villain of the game

re self re: deltarune, music 

(not this video specifically but the thing the first half is sourced from. don't know where that was put up originally, like birdsite or something probably)

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re self re: deltarune, music 

oh. no wonder. i forgot about this video lmfao.

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self re: deltarune, music 

which really shouldn't be that surprising considering he draws a ton of inspiration from ZUN. pretty sure he's even met the dude.

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deltarune, music 

oh shit i just realized what a lot of the soundtrack reminds me of. it sounds a LOT like some touhou music. not really the instruments so much, but structurally.

like, field of hopes and dreams sounds a lot like a stage 1 song.

here's your daily unwarranted deltarune hot take: 

ralsei is a trans boy, susie is a trans girl, and kris is an enby

DELTARUNE, Ralsei, Artwork 

#DELTARUNE #Ralsei You know I had to draw the BEST fluffy boy


god, fuckin susie's theme is so good. i just imagine her fucking shredding that guitar and headbanging so hard along to it.


i think im just gonna jam out to field of hopes and dreams for forever now

i need to. try to sleep.

i dunno if i'm gonna be able to with all this hype in the air.


i finished it and now i'm sad that it's over. holy fuck is it good......

re: undertale, deltarune, spoilers 

also don't worry i'm not gonna post spoilers for details about the game at all. i'm just tagging spoilers for anybody that might not want to know anything at all about it.

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undertale, deltarune, spoilers 

toby why did you spoil us like this we're not worthy. ; w;

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undertale, deltarune, spoilers 

so i'm just kinda like... playing the game. and continuing to play the game. and waiting for the "DEMO OVER" part and i guess this isn't just a demo????? it's a full game??????????????????

health bitching 

man why can't i just enjoy cold weather without being sick zzzz

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!