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Me: yea Tusky is neat but it doesn't show pinned toots
Friend: I'll pin you, toots 👀


~, birdsite 

unfortunately i'd be cutting contact with too many people i have no other way of contacting, so...

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~, birdsite 

yknow its so great that whenever somebody remotely popular on twitter makes a stand with trans ppl that shitheads always invariably flock to the replies to spew their bile and vitriol. god i want to dump that fuckin hellsite already.

USpol, current events, violence 

so are we finally gonna acknowledge the problem that is right-wing extremist terrorism yet??? because this is probably the most egregious example of it that has happened yet. like, how are we gonna try to excuse and hand wave this one as something else this time.

asking for help, water about to be shut off, boosts appreciated 

we need to pay $214 dollars on our water bill to prevent it from being shut off (we're under threat of shutoff starting tomorrow); my partner doesn't get paid soon enough and the godundme we have up for moving / preparation funds won't let us withdraw enough fast enough to pay the water bill... we appreciate any help we can get x_x

financial problems, req for help 

quickly approaching 2 months no income (aside from donations which have helped me stay afloat so far)

I'm quickly approaching the point where I'll need to fundraise for being able to continue driving (necessary for finding jobs among other things) for another month if I cannot find a job by sometime next month.

So... i actually don't know what else to say, but please help if you can.

I'm also considering a paypal pool instead of this...

im gay. but i'm not just gay.

i am REALLY fucking gay.

weird dreams, lewd adjacent 

had a fucking terrifying dream last night where i was in a crowded place on my phone and no matter what i did, everything i was looking at had furry porn somewhere on the screen. i spent the whole time frantically trying to find a window that didn't.

current bullshit my brain is performing: thunder by imagine dragons except it's luigi from superstar saga singing it

why is there a glitch in mario odyssey called "wet nut glitch".................

gay noises 

there are three people i wanna cuddle like crazy rn. preferably all at the same time.

@lynnesbian you're a lesbian you're gay girls lesbians girls you want to kiss girls you love girls lesbians??? gosh, I'M a lesbian i'm gay girls lesbians girls i want to kiss girls i love girls lesbians !!! :blobcatsurprised:

zzzz i don't remember what time i'm supposed to be at work tonight and i'm too lazy to call or go in.

so i'm just gonna go in early and hope i'm not fucking myself out of an hour of sleep.

mild pain 

oops my wrists are starting to hurt a little from all the high speed menuing in D5 i've been doing

christ, what was that, 14 hours of sleep????? nearly 15....

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!