someone: says something in a mildly rude tone to one of my partners
me: hello?? who the do you think you are that you can talk to them like that?? shut the fuck up.

my brain at any given moment in time: we need to be extremely petty about something rn

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siren n seraphim n trent reznor r the lights of my life

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nsfw, mean post 

this is at nobody in particular but its so annoying when people act desperate to get laid online just jack off and download tinder

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!!!!!! is it gay to be extremely happy when ur partner texts u

fellas..... is it gay...... to want...... to h*ld h*nds with ur partners

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my body hurts now which is incredibly rude of it

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this is the best dog costume i've ever seen in my life. i'm LOSING it.

sometimes i just see posts about the stuff happening in the us and just get hit by a wave of exhaustion

find urself a partner that sends u pretty songs with ur new name/kin in it

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"Russians hacked the election and made people into right wing racisrs and also scary commies!" Fuck you fucking liberal scumbag.

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Gun control is a tool of corporations and governments enforced by mainstream media intended to prevent the success of a proletarian uprising.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!