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whoever said on here that Nextdoor is basically a bunch of racist people saying someone "suspicious" walked past their front door was right

OK, how I am supposed to get over my Good Omens obsession when artists in the fandom keep doing such things ?! 😱 💕
(amazing art by @kloysius:

Let's talk about a little relic that's hiding in your PC since ~1870.

The 'Bell' (BEL) character is a special character that makes your computer beep.

In DOS/Windows (yes even 10) you can type it using CTRL-G. Try it in your command prompt: echo ^G

On Linux/Mac it'll be: echo -e "\a"

The Bell command used to be used by teletype operators to get the attention of remote operators by making their unit ring an actual bell. This special character remains with us to this very day!

🔔 :crt_w_prompt: :blobowo:

uspol opinion that really shouldn't be unpopular 

cities that have a "homeless problem" would not have a homeless problem if they just gave the homeless people homes

cursed food thot 

French toasted English muffins

@thalon actually still better than Greyhound. If the bus breaks down you can count yourself lucky if another one even shows up to pick you up from the side of the highway. Driving or flying are the options because those industries have the most lobbying money

lewd science 

:ohno: throw MAX SUCC into my Bag of Tasks (BoT) BB.


A deduplication scheme that can reduce any file to 2 bits.

By removing all the redundant 1s and 0s and only storing each value once per file, our research team has achieved unprecedented file compression ratios.

In my mind this would prob end up being like a Wolfenstein movie which begs the question: How has there not been a Wolfenstein movie yet?

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what if i made a 3d rendered mastodon interface. god this is such an awful idea that i might actually do it

@avi I hate getting my hair cut. Most barber shops have this super ramped up hyper masculine vibe that does not compute for me. And the part where you’re expected to make small talk basically makes it fully poison for me.

im not like anywhere near as wide reaching as contrapoints but i just want to reiterate that i think everyone is deserving of love and respect and even if your lived experience as a trans, gay, or otherwise gender nonconforming person doesn’t line up with the commonly spoken experiences of others you’re still valid and i love you and respect you all the same

New office curtesy rule: if you schedule an hour long meeting at noon same day as the meeting you need to buy everyone lunch

in life you can start out with one of two things: a dick, an ass, or mystery choice

@garfiald ok fine, but only if it’s at least as good as dick or ass

@garfiald is the mystery choice either a dick or ass or can it be something else entirely? Like an assdick for example? I need to know

firearm, shitpost, body modding I think there’s a movie about that

ukpol shitpost 

second referendum with an option to vote for the entire country to be blasted off the planet into deep space

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!