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Speaking about the group she organized with Marsha P. Johnson, the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, Sylvia Rivera said:

"We died in 1973, the fourth anniversary of Stonewall. That’s when we were told we were a threat and an embarrassment to women because lesbians felt offended by our attire, us wearing makeup. It came down to a brutal battle on the stage that year at Washington Square Park, between me and people I considered my comrades and friends."

routines, mental health, boring self care, perspective, podcast 

Podcast I'd like to recommend:
Jolie Kerr is a columnist and podcaster and she is funny and very open abt her own mental health issues.
While cleaning today I was listening to the following episodes:

I was very touched by the listener mail they discuss in the 2nd part. It's from a person with add.

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routines, mental health, boring self care, perspective 

Until I realised what a difficult task I'm trying to do!

It's not seeing the goal, but also realised the circumstances I'm in while trying to achieve tbis goal which makes all the difference.

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routines, mental health, boring self care, perspective 

I'm in the process of learning a Saturday routine of cleaning and housekeeping. Learning and sticking to new routines is hard for me.

Today it's difficult to stay focused and in motion. Flopping onto the sofa every ten minutes, I was frustrated with myself.

okay well if boosts mean people are down I'd love to do pride stuff. if you just want an icon with any non-ace/aro flag in the background I'll do em for $8, or if you want an ace/aro flag it'll only be $6 bc I'm out here to support my fellow aspecs :heart_sp_ace: :heart_sp_demi: :heart_sp_demiro: :heart_sp_pride:

if u need an example I'll make one tonight

#Lastboost Also, it is pretty normal for your attraction to be in fluid motion or "unequal" relation!

Swooning for enbies for one day/week/month and then suddenly being all into women? Totally normal bi/pan experience!

Being not really into men but with this and this and this and this exception? Super valid bi/pan experience!

You are normal!
Your are valid!
YOU BELONG :pansexual_flag: :bisexual_flag:
You're awesome!

this is probably a huge shot in the dark but if anyone has a spare Käpt'n Peng ticket for the show in Vienna on June 19th, I'd be interested

Hey there! Some of you were interested in buying my #AprilArtJourney tarot deck - I completed it and it's now available at
I'm also working on a less expensive version, but it'll be a slightly different format that does not match the original artwork sproportions as perfectly as this one. I'll keep you posted, if you're interested! #Tarot #mastoArt


you don’t demand to know if someone is trans or not. you don’t pry into someone’s personal life to try to find out if they’re trans or not. you don’t force people to out themselves through intimidation and manipulation. sincerely fuck off.

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five days into pride month and i am officially done with cis bullshit

*crawls in* did someone say #OC's? Tbh I have way too many (I have 5 ongoing novel projects I'm not joking) but here, have my favourite RP son, Asbjorn~ He is too fun to draw honestly. Also have some cuddly fluff. #art #mastoart #creativetoots

Hey Internet o/
Empfehlung für einen günstigen aber guten Lötköben / Lötstation? So… unter 50 €

What do you see? ☀️ 

Think about what you're really seeing when you look at the trees.

Somewhere in the heart of our nearest star, hydrogen atoms fused together to make helium. The energy released from that created light.

That light then spent a hundred thousand years ricocheting around inside the Sun, bouncing off atom after atom. When it eventually reached the surface, it flew away into space at 299792 km per second, speeding across 150 million km in just 8 minutes, to a small blue planet.

That sunlight then hit a leaf, having some of its colours absorbed to nourish the tree, and the remaining green light was reflected away. The reflected light found its way to your eye, where it was focused onto your retina to form an image. That image was then transferred through your optic at 875000 bits per second to your brain which took just 13 milliseconds to parse it.

Everything you've ever experienced is an amazing and intricate collection of wonders and improbabilities.


Gibt es jemanden, der diese süßen Kätzchen in den nächsten Tagen bei sich aufnehmen möchte? Sie sind ca 7 Wochen alt und wurden gestern am Waldrand gefunden- wohl ausgesetzt.
Tierarzt hat sie gestern durchgecheckt und entwurmt.

Bitte RT!

Does someone can help me to get the main account of the admin of on mastodon? I didn't succeed to find him after several tries :(

hi friends, here's a reminder to read my very good webcomic, Obelisk! it's currently on hiatus while I work on a buffer and outline stuff, that just means it's a great time for you to catch up on it!

If you like queer female leads, historical settings and a moody, gothic mix of horror and romance, Obelisk is probably for you!

#webcomics #obeliskcomic #comics #lgbtcomics #queercomics #mastoart #creativetoots

finally, news that matters

"Researchers strapped video cameras on 16 cats and let them do their thing. Here’s what they found"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!