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She summoned and bound a demon, to demand an answer:
"What is magic?"
"You sum-"
"This is not magic."
"No," the demon admitted, "this is mechanics. Magic is transformation."
"Like lead to gold?"
"Any guided change. Knitting, smithing - all magic."
"I can do magic?"
"You know it."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

mod note re: block (transphobia) mod team has agreed to block the account It forwards tweets from the Twitter account womensart1.

This account deliberately excludes trans women, & misgendered an agender artist even after corrections were offered. The person behind it hasn't responded well to requests for change, & made very transphobic tweets on a personal account.

I'm sad this is necessary, but we can't allow terfs a platform here.

The womensart1 account, TERFs 

German thread but please follow the twitter link for proof. The baseline is,
@womensart1 excludes trans women, misgendered an agender person and (on birdsite) blocked accounts requesting a statement, also thanking TERFs for what I guess is to be called dogpiling.

Which is sad because I liked their work.

Ich habe eine Anfrage bekommen von einer Berliner Aufklärungsinitiative, die ein_e (Computer)Spieleautor_in sucht, di_er sich mit queeren Themen auskennt. (Also Spiele-Entwicklungsteam sucht Autor_in) Fällt da irgendwem von Euch irgendjemand ein? (Gerne weitertröten)

You don't need to explain "how" or "why" you are nonbinary if you don't feel like it.

Your existence should be explanation enough.

#nonbinarypride #nonbinary #lgbtq #nonbinarypositivity #exorsexism

I need suggestions for super gay plants for my yard! If it's a plant that looks/sounds/acts incredibly queer, I want to know about it.

Bonus points for PNW natives & species not on the WA noxious plants list (or I'd surround myself with Buddleia davidii 'Bicolor')

So Gab has decided that their own code that they spent $5M of investor money developing is so unsalvageably bad that they're going to use Mastodon's code instead, with the added bonus of leeching off of our apps (with Gab apps being banned from app stores)

This is an early warning to fellow admins to be vigilant and domain-block them on sight, when/if they appear (unconfirmed whether they intend to federate), and to app devs to consider if blocking Gab's domains from their app is necessary.


Gab is a website by nazis who spent millions of cash (scammed from fellow nazis under the pretense of building BLOCKCHAIN TWITTER, a promise they went back on immediately after they got money) and years of time to build a php piece of shit that is overran with porno spambots and yet has fewer users than large fediverse instances.

They‘ve now realized they‘re too incompetent to make software and are spending months to get software written by jews, gay trans furries and antifascists to run.

uh how do you get running on Linux anyway? this is theoretically possible yeah?

If you find yourself sitting in cars now and then, this might be interesting to you and help you prevent accidents.
So if you open a cars door from the inside, you open the door with the hand that's not next to the door. This means that you turn around you body which automatically turns your vision in the direction where other cars or bikes might come from.

I was taught this early on I believe, anyways this is the way I have always done it.

#dutchReach #bike


Ich suche/bin:

Ich suche einen Job als #Projektmanager. Ich bin #IPMA-zertifiziert, ab voraussichtlich Mitte 08/19 auch #PRINCE2-, #ITIL- und #SCRUM-zertifiziert. Am liebsten würde ich in MA arbeiten, gern auch in HD, LU (na gut, LU nicht so gern). Pendeln würde ich auch nach S, KA oder notfalls FFM.

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"Tell a story!"
"There once was, on distant Earth-"
"No, a real story!"
"Hush. Earth was real, and full of children asking for stories, just like you."
"Really. They looked different, back then, but they, too, loved stories."
"So they were people?"
"They were people."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

[RAGE] Diskriminierung bei der Jobsuche // Würde ich eigtl. bei Twitter teilen. Aber ich suche ja noch. 

Ich habe gerade echt so einen Hals, was die Jobsuche betrifft, wenn du schwarz bist. Ich bin jetzt seit eineinhalb Jahren auf der Suche nach einen neuen Job, weil mein Vertrag vor einem Jahr ausgelaufen ist. Denkt ihr, ich kriege mal ein ernsthaftes Angebot? ICH SCHAFFE ES NOCH NICHT MAL ZUM FUCKING BEWERBUNGSGESPRÄCH.

How to stir the German soul 

Went to a seminar about intercultural awareness. First day, everyone was very understanding of other cultures, but examples were mostly unintimidating things, yadda yadda. Second day, we were asked to talk about examples from our work. I brought up the topic that German events are often very dominated by alcohol, which excludes certain cultures because of religious beliefs and other people just because of preferences. OMG, you cannot imagine the backlash I received.

"Did you see the mess from this afternoon? That's the 9th vehicle to drive into our building this week!" I heard my neighbor exclaim in the hall.

As the footsteps faded, I turned, glaring at my new fish tank.
The koi-sized mermaid I had recently inherited from my great-aunt Euphemia stared back innocently.

"We discussed your singing."

"Yeah, but I didn't agree to nothing!"

I sighed, adding more sound-proofing to my windows.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Mermay #UrbanFantasy

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!