Disappointed 🇵🇱 & 🇭🇲 didn't make the cut :(

One Milkali is the song I listened to the most coming up on the show.

I cannot believe I didn't watch the video for this song before the show.

tamvana boosted

#iceland coming in hot with some serious responsible high school principal having a night out energy.

So nice to see Mum having a good time! #wurovision #Eurovision

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tamvana boosted

Crowd sourcing a question to all of you wonderful folks:

I'm looking at a job opportunity that would take me to #Greifswald, #Germany. I'm gay and my husband is black. The potential environment in eastern Germany worries us - what kind of experience can we expect?

tamvana boosted

Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. Give love to a trans person you know today and remember those lost, and the risks that all trans people face in our world. When you can, act to protect and support them. 💜

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!