
I feel so frustrated because I want to use Linux on my computer and Valorant's anti cheat is keeping me fom it. You need both TPM and Secure Boot on in order to play that game so no dual booting Linux for me. Also I use Dixper on my Twitch streams so... Ugh 😣

@teaduckie Wait, can't you use (some) Linux with secure boot?

Still can't play Valorant /on/ Linux of course though, but.

(I think Ubuntu+derivatives have a signed bootloader shim, not sure about other distros)

@frost I'm not sure, my GPU is Nvidia which makes everything harder and I don't like Ubuntu tbh. This limits my distro choice even further

@frost Nvidia drivers are not signed as far as I know :(.

@teaduckie Aww, YEP, crap, no they are not. We got errors about that even without secure boot on an old Mac somehow, very weird.

They actually /can't/ be signed as they're distributed as source.

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