@retrovulcano@vivaldi.net The ZX Spectrum is my favorite computer ever!
@teaduckie @retrovulcano I had an Amiga 500,and the Sega Genesis, both use the M68000. So many good memories. I also love the Apple IIgs, but that was a WDC-65C816.
@teaduckie @retrovulcano those are excellent choices! I think the Amiga is probably my favorite gaming platform of all time.
@retrovulcano@vivaldi.net Io deberea dicer que mi computatores de 8 bits preferite es le ZX Spectrum e le Commodore 64 e mi computator de 16 bits favorite es le Commodore Amiga 😊
I should say that my favorite 8 bit computers are the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 and my favorite 16 bit computer is the Commodore Amiga 😊
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