@Lordbogle ChatGPT me acaba de decir que Karlos Arguiñano es sexy y que le pone gofre su pirolisis XD
Esque alicun persona hic memora le Spice Girls? Qual esseva/es le tue Spice Girl favorite? Le mie es Baby Spice, le sportista e Mel B 😄 #interlingua #auxlang #conlang
I've finally found the bottle feeding game from my childhood I was talking about! It's called Brats! :O Made by some peep called Alber C. Ashton and apparently it costed 5$ and something! https://computerfairi.es/media/kDcXJpB1P09SKu1hSPU
PS: I think 5.83$ not sure, I just read it and I don't remember it XD.
bible games, shareware, windows 3x
Oh... and apparently this too XD from the same game. This is what happens when you leave it 30 seconds alone, idle. https://computerfairi.es/media/IX6OkDAJs0GrO6Gg-RU
bible games, shareware, windows 3x
I'm trying a bunch of old shareware games and I've found this. Perhaps the poorest excuse for a video game?
I can't get rid of these Fujitsu Free Software Collection disc covers, they are so cute! <3! https://computerfairi.es/media/oRBXZhWW5fqVZqYDEFg https://computerfairi.es/media/txTI9rnRODt9K7_7EM0 https://computerfairi.es/media/cUydEgIcWDFw3Y-8HuA https://computerfairi.es/media/AJ9M6i_g5ChOZIFdCkQ
I've just assembled my first shelf! Wooohooo! I know it's silly but I am so proud of myself :). My mom's been wanting to have a new shelf in the basement for ages and I wanted to surprise her. Can't wait to see her reaction!
PS: Photo by Sarah Gadd https://www.flickr.com/photos/jezzebelle/ I don't like using photos without crediting the author. https://computerfairi.es/media/aT_a_kI5T9dXS6tRin4
I just found again a paint program I loved when I was a whippersnapper :). After so many years searching for it, like, I didn't imagine this little program would be so rare! It's called "Pintaguay" and it was a part of a weekly course called "Curso IBM de informática junior" :). So I've installed a VM and here's what I made with it :D. "So the funs" https://computerfairi.es/media/j-118nfuEcFTaz0UEDs
Something silly I've made to try the draw feature.
32 female (She/her) Computer geek, translator. You can also find me on: @tea_bonica@bitbang.social