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TeaDuckie boosted

Tema importante sobre relaciones sociales 

Lo estamos haciendo todo mal. Asumidlo. Sí, sí, los esfuerzos y tal pero lo estamos haciendo mal. Mal porque el "yo" siempre es más importante que el "nosotros". Y, mira, como anarquista convencido, os digo que lo hacemos todo mal. Y ya está. Tampoco es tan grave, sólo requiere un poco más de trabajo específico.

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TeaDuckie boosted

Recycling Doesn’t Work—and the Plastics Industry Knew It

And here we go about the waste.. As I have said many times, recycling plastic is not a solution, but rather a convenient distraction and a way to shift the responsibility of large companies for mass production of plastic onto the shoulders of the people. There are some very disturbing news that recycling is not going to help in a long run and there is only 5-6% of collected plastics estimated as being recycled (!). On the other hand, the poorest countries and regions suffer the most from toxic waste products and landfills, because this brings the greatest profit, and if this is still the case, the problem will never be solved.

We need more trade-free goods and services that can be designed from the scratch to reduce the waste, instead of generation the endless profit or competition advantage. In this way, more devices and products that are reusable, free to use, repairable, and durable can benefit our Planet's environment and Human society as a whole.…


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TeaDuckie boosted

Apple killed Network Utility in macOS. The DevonThink people just released a free replacement:

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TeaDuckie boosted

LGBT and Marginalized Voices Are Not Welcome on Threads

Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime, anywhere Threads is pictured as a decent alternative to Twitter and Mastodon. It is only that if you’re a straight, white male.


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TeaDuckie boosted

Valuta has joined GNOME Circle! This neat tool lets you quickly convert between currencies. You can also choose between 3 different conversion providers. Congratulations!


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TeaDuckie boosted

🍃Las mejores alternativas al software privativo, sin tener que piratear nada evitando perder nuestro tiempo y correr riesgos. #freesoftware #opensource #linux

@eldiosx Thanks! I use Nvidia, I know it's way harder if you have to install Nvidia's propietar drivers. I'd rather not use secure boot but stinking League of Legends demands it if I want to secure boot :(

@vkc I can't agree more! I've always been a Gnome lover, their apps are slick! But a year ago I started using KDE and I love it too! <3 Just love your tools, there aren't better or worse tools, just tools and each peep has their preference

TeaDuckie boosted

KDE Plasma is great. GNOME is awesome. Window managers are wonderful. Everything has quirks but I love all these options we have. I can't wait to see where we take them.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!