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Aviso: Si veis que doy favorito a vuestro toot varias veces, escribo un toot, lo borro y lo publico de nuevo lo comparto varias veces o os sigo varias veces (Seguir, dejar de seguir para darle al botón de seguir de nuevo) es porque tengo TOC (Osea, diagnosticado) y últimamente estoy horrible con él. No es por otra cosa ni por molestar. Lo siento de antemano.

TeaDuckie boosted
@peertube is doing fantastic! Awesome job - I cannot wait to test the auto transcription feature ;)…
TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

«Para reconocer la discapacidad, el Estado exige dependencia y vulnerabilidad; impone una cierta precariedad existencial. Plantea un chantaje: “si “puedes” cumplir las tareas básicas de trabajo, no te podemos considerar discapacitada”. A través del chantaje, el Estado apuntala lógicas y prácticas que estipulan qué significan, presuponen e implican en la sociedad capitalista la discapacidad, la vulnerabilidad, la dependencia y los cuidados...; produce políticas de la corporalidad social, la vulnerabilidad y los cuidados.»

Abro hilo: @Lordbogle No sin mi Bogle. Los caballeros las prefieren Bogle.

TeaDuckie boosted

Me on Linux: * opens Discord *
Every. Damn. Time.
#discord #debianrules #linux #gosports

@iamwaseem I hate Snaps, I'm very partial to Flatpak and I don't understand why Canonical has to bring their own (And excuse my french) propietary shit when there are well established, community approved packages. I'd rather use deb than Snaps. Also, I hate that it takes some effort to remove Snaps from your system, I want to have a choice wether I want them or not and the performance issues are another downer...

TeaDuckie boosted

Esta iniciativa pide a la Comisión Europea que establezca un impuesto europeo sobre las grandes fortunas. No tardas nada firmando aquí

Ni dos minutos, en serio, ¡firma y ayuda a que sea REAL!

#Europa #TaxTheRich #EU #CambioClimático

@iamwaseem In fact, what made me use Ubuntu when it got released was that it was Debian but easy to install

@iamwaseem I've been a long time Ubuntu user and Debian has always been (and still is) one of my favorite Linux distros

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Recently I've thinking to try out Fedora in near future. It is being highlighted as the new Ubuntu of the Linux. (Fedora is what Ubuntu was in its initial phase and isn't now)

#fedora #ubuntu #linux

TeaDuckie boosted

Need more retro shooting goodness in your life? How about a little more from Quake 1? The Immortal Lock is a brand new pack from modder ComfyByTheFire that's well worth a look.
#FPS #Mod #Retro #NewRelease #NativeLinux Io deberea dicer que mi computatores de 8 bits preferite es le ZX Spectrum e le Commodore 64 e mi computator de 16 bits favorite es le Commodore Amiga 😊

I should say that my favorite 8 bit computers are the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 and my favorite 16 bit computer is the Commodore Amiga 😊

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!