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TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

Apple killed Network Utility in macOS. The DevonThink people just released a free replacement:

TeaDuckie boosted


Hola! 👋
Soy Mei y vengo aqui para ver el mundo de Mastodon y dejar de ocupar Twitter 😸
Tengo 20 años y soy de Argentina 🇦🇷
Me gusta ocupar GNU/Linux y aumentar mis conocimientos sobre ese sistema ✨, actualmente estoy ocupando la distribución Void Linux 💚
También me gusta escuchar musica, ver películas y series, jugar juegos y practicar edición tanto de videos e imágen 😺

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

LGBT and Marginalized Voices Are Not Welcome on Threads

Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime, anywhere Threads is pictured as a decent alternative to Twitter and Mastodon. It is only that if you’re a straight, white male.


TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

Valuta has joined GNOME Circle! This neat tool lets you quickly convert between currencies. You can also choose between 3 different conversion providers. Congratulations!


TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

🍃Las mejores alternativas al software privativo, sin tener que piratear nada evitando perder nuestro tiempo y correr riesgos. #freesoftware #opensource #linux

TeaDuckie boosted

KDE Plasma is great. GNOME is awesome. Window managers are wonderful. Everything has quirks but I love all these options we have. I can't wait to see where we take them.


TeaDuckie boosted

XFCE is the shit. (For non-english speakers, this is the opposite of saying "XFCE is shit")


I'm so so unsure on which distro to install. I just don't want Ubuntu but it's one of the fews that have secure boot and I need secure boot to play LoL T_T

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

The open source game manager Lutris has a new release out, with brings in some critical bug fixes along with some new features needing testing.
#OpenSource #Apps #NewRelease #Misc

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

Need some more RTS in your life? Combined Arms is one of my favourites. Built on the free and open source OpenRA, it brings together the Allies, Soviets, GDI, Nod and Scrin.
#FreeGame #RTS #NewRelease #NativeLinux

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!