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TeaDuckie boosted

I've just chucked the "I Can Solder" badge/wearable up on a repo as a couple of people asked for the source and gerbers. If anyone ever wanted a custom version for a workshop or for their organisation, do feel fee to get in touch! #opensource #pcb #kicad

Qual vos prefere e proque? Gnome o KDE? Io deberia dicer que io sempre ha essite un fan de Gnome ma depost que io ha provate KDE un anno antea io ha devenite inamorate de KDE! Io ancora ama Gnone e su applicationes. Io trova que le applicationes de Gnome es elegante, belle e simple ma io ama le applicationes de KDE e tote su possibilitates de personalization 🥰 non importa lo que tu usa. Gnome, KDE, Xfce... Ama tu instrumentos!

TeaDuckie boosted

another youtube tv thought: the bootup sound is so clearly legally distinct tiktok bump it's a little bit embarrassing

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TeaDuckie boosted

Soon you will be able to see how water levels change! 🌊 🌧️
For example, how deserts get the water they have been waiting for from the mountains, or how pastures use up all the water. 🌴 ☀️

#godot #PCGaming #gaming #linux

TeaDuckie boosted

Cómo le explico que hace mucho calor como para estar purrando en la mantita

TeaDuckie boosted


Comienza la segunda edición de Bengala!

Charlas, juegos y actualidad en el twitch de La Madriguera:
#stream #queergames #directo #indiedev

TeaDuckie boosted

Publico un mini artículo: «Transformar base64 a archivo en #python»
Últimamente estoy recibiendo muchos archivos en formato base64 desde un frontend, y necesito convertirlos a archivos reales para trabajar con ellos (guardarlos, procesarlos, etc.).
Además te doy algunos consejos y funciones de ayuda.

Es que vos usa alicun application (App) pro conservar articulos e leger los plus tarde? Io cognosce Pocket de Mozilla, Wallabag e Omnivore ma io non sape qual usar. Si vos ha alicun recommendation, scribe me, per favor. Io besonia tu adjuta.

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted


Would you like to immerse yourself in the exciting world of KRITIKA:ZERO? KRITIKA:ZERO is a dynamic online multiplayer game that combines lightning-fast combat, anime-style 3D visuals, and an ever-expanding world.
#Steam #Action #Casual #RPG #FreetoPlay

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

NVIDIA has announced a set of updates about open-sourcing its Linux kernel graphics drivers.

Worthy to check them out if you own a NVIDIA card:

#Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted

Morning all...

As promised, new #XeroLinux toolkit update bringing you #emacs with @distrotube custom config.. Maybe #DoomEmacs soon. No promisses on that though.. #FOSS #Linux #OpenSource

TeaDuckie boosted

A Walk in the Park

There is a fireworks event in the evening and your friend knows just the right place to watch it. All you have to do is get there through this perfectly normal park. Just follow the arrows and you'll reach your destination. Eventually. How hard can that be?
#Steam #Action #Adventure #Casual #Indie

TeaDuckie boosted

Se pueden eliminar los anuncios en la app de Youtube en Android? Me enerva estar viendo videos de temas de la oposición y que de repente me salten anuncios cutres de un chico joven español que ha j***** a la industria entera de los aires acondicionados inventando un ventilador....

TeaDuckie boosted

Me: I always like to say “mucho” when I’m around my Spanish speaking friends.

Them: Why?

Me: It means a lot to them.

Them: Get out.

TeaDuckie boosted
TeaDuckie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!