So, I've installed this J2ME emulator on my phone and... I almost forgot how crappy a lot of those mobile games used to be. I mean, they were very expensive like my phone bill would inflate like nobody's business. There are some that are good like a Bomberman port I tried but they are hard to control with virtual buttons on a touchscreen ^^U. I'm not a fan of virtual buttons on touchscreens.
I've just assembled my first shelf! Wooohooo! I know it's silly but I am so proud of myself :). My mom's been wanting to have a new shelf in the basement for ages and I wanted to surprise her. Can't wait to see her reaction!
PS: Photo by Sarah Gadd I don't like using photos without crediting the author.
When I look back, it kinda bothers me to think I've never used Netscape Navigator when I was a whippersnapper. Even though I admired that browser. Those peeps were brilliant and IE was... well, IE. It just happened to come with Windows 95. I was an early user of Firefox though. Just about the time I discovered Linux.
I know it's not a good idea to talk about your private life on the Internet but I guess I need to get this out of my system. Other than my GF (Who I love dearly) I talk to nobody so I stay most of the time locked inside my room with just me and my thoughts. Really and truly, I only have one friend, a very good friend actually but we never talk. It's been to long since we talked. I hope we are still friends. So these days, I've been feeling very lonely.
32 female (She/her) Computer geek, translator. You can also find me on: