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A post on one step of my journey to get off of commercial cloud services: A personal music streaming service with #Navidrome running on a #RaspberryPi at home that does this on the side. All with minimal overhead and powered by #GitAnnex data logistics.

#nocloud #blog #musicstreaming #datalad #distributed #foss #diy #smarthome

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If you're a Marxist, go and buy as many copies of Marxist literature you can buy (examples: "The Communist Manifesto," "The Principles of Communism," "State and Revolution"), go to a public place with plenty of people, set up a table, and hand out literature to anyone who wants it until you run out, and repeat. This is the first step in creating a Marxist movement in your location.

Dorotea boosted

NVIDIA transitions fully to open-source GPU kernel modules with robust features in the upcoming R560 driver version.

#nvidia #gpu #linux

Dorotea boosted

Need a screen recorder for Linux that works on Wayland (e.g. Ubuntu 24.04)?

#linux #ubuntu #wayland

Kooha is your friend

→ flatpak install flathub io.github.seadve.Kooha

You remind me of the babe
What babe?
The babe with the POWER
What power?
The power of voodoo!
Who do?
You do!
Do what?
Remind me of the babe~~🎤

Dorotea boosted

Open source software is highly customizable and gives you control over your data. It’s not tied to a single tech provider. WordPress, for example, has evolved far beyond blogging. #OpenSource #SAAS

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Dorotea boosted

Se me ha ocurrido mirar si existen peluches de tardígrado, uno de mis animales favoritos.

La verdad es que me da más miedo que otra cosa.

Me está sentando mal la ola de calor.

Dorotea boosted

Silver medal! 🥈 I really don't want to brag, but I'm currently ranked on the 2nd spot on the @openstreetmap weekly contributor's score board in the @streetcomplete app. I don't think I've ever been ranked higher. Honestly, it wasn't much of an effort. If you are into #opensource and #geomapping #Portugal is a wonderful place to visit and to contribute to #OSM. There are lots of blind spots left and details to be added! 🗺️ #streetcomplete #openstreetmaps

Qual es le diferentia inter le manga de Dragon Ball Super e le anime? Io vide que il ha cosas in le manga que non appare in le anime (Granola e Gas? Ultra Ego?) io sempre prefere leger manga que spectar anime. Io volerea comprar le manga in catalano pro practicar le lingua. Io solmente ha dos volumenes del manga in japonese e hodie arrivara uno a casa in german

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Your support and contribution for the promotion of #FreeSoftware are important for securing our continuous work, ensuring our independence, strengthening our democratic society, promoting and implementing concrete steps towards software freedom, and making it easier to use and develop Free Software

More reasons? #tbt

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I've just chucked the "I Can Solder" badge/wearable up on a repo as a couple of people asked for the source and gerbers. If anyone ever wanted a custom version for a workshop or for their organisation, do feel fee to get in touch! #opensource #pcb #kicad

Qual vos prefere e proque? Gnome o KDE? Io deberia dicer que io sempre ha essite un fan de Gnome ma depost que io ha provate KDE un anno antea io ha devenite inamorate de KDE! Io ancora ama Gnone e su applicationes. Io trova que le applicationes de Gnome es elegante, belle e simple ma io ama le applicationes de KDE e tote su possibilitates de personalization 🥰 non importa lo que tu usa. Gnome, KDE, Xfce... Ama tu instrumentos!

Dorotea boosted

another youtube tv thought: the bootup sound is so clearly legally distinct tiktok bump it's a little bit embarrassing

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Soon you will be able to see how water levels change! 🌊 🌧️
For example, how deserts get the water they have been waiting for from the mountains, or how pastures use up all the water. 🌴 ☀️

#godot #PCGaming #gaming #linux

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Cómo le explico que hace mucho calor como para estar purrando en la mantita

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Comienza la segunda edición de Bengala!

Charlas, juegos y actualidad en el twitch de La Madriguera:
#stream #queergames #directo #indiedev

Dorotea boosted

Publico un mini artículo: «Transformar base64 a archivo en #python»
Últimamente estoy recibiendo muchos archivos en formato base64 desde un frontend, y necesito convertirlos a archivos reales para trabajar con ellos (guardarlos, procesarlos, etc.).
Además te doy algunos consejos y funciones de ayuda.

Es que vos usa alicun application (App) pro conservar articulos e leger los plus tarde? Io cognosce Pocket de Mozilla, Wallabag e Omnivore ma io non sape qual usar. Si vos ha alicun recommendation, scribe me, per favor. Io besonia tu adjuta.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!