i want to do a democracy but i do not want to vote on eight pages of ballot initiatives for a state i don't live in

I was gonna wait to vote until after the warren/deaton debate but I really can't justify this because I wasn't gonna watch the debate and it wouldn't change the way I vote

Hey serious question do any Massachusetts people have opinions on Question 1? This is the one initiative on the ballot I don't know how to think about. The others feel real straightforward to me.

(With the exception of Question Six. Everybody on the Somerville reddit is having complex discussions about Question Six. My sample ballot only has five questions on it. There is a secret sixth question I cannot see and I don't know if it's gonna be on my actual ballot or not…)

Imagining a democracy where every election has a "pop quiz" question that is not revealed until you actually show up to vote and it's always something very abstract like "which is better * cats * dogs * the Argentine Black and White Tegus"


@mcc oh but now you've made me nostalgic for the Wii's "Everyone Votes" channel

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