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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

One of the reasons I want Xenia the Fox to replace Tux the Penguin as the Linux mascot is so the bigots in the Linux community get outraged enough at queer symbolism that they basically see themselves out and save us the work of booting them out.

Ryusui boosted

recorded a Windows 95 full disk defrag to soothe your timeline.

Ryusui boosted

If you're trying to use the Nokia 3410 SDK and it's decided to stop rendering the screen:
Delete the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Nokia\3410 SDK" and it'll fix.

Ryusui boosted

The story campaign is finally taking shape! Today was very productive. #babaisyou

@stroughtonsmith that or Apple's just being petty and spiteful now that they can't force people to use their proprietary connectors anymore

Ryusui boosted

Reminder that if you are on, their admin is blocking you from all of your connections and art clients on in two days


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Ryusui boosted

every time I have to review software source code that was written by a hardware company I come away with the feeling that I have encountered an alien form of life

and it’s not even necessarily the source code itself that’s bizarre but the build process and other matters of civilization around it

Ryusui boosted

If you want to know the root cause of any inter-ethnic strife or genocide in the modern world, "the British" is usually a pretty safe bet.

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

please hire me and save me from this dead end hell with looming layoffs.
remote only, must allow me to work from canada

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

The last thing that happened before I died was in desperation I drank my last potion. It was a potion of intelligence. In my final moments, I was able to very intelligently consider my circumstance of being eaten alive by a giant swarm of rats

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Ryusui boosted

it's nethack doomsday!

Due to the very rare confluence of multiple real-world-date based penalties, today, October 13, 2023 is uniquely difficult in nethack! If you are doing a challenge run, it is recommended to use a current build of the game as the new moon based penalties were made more harsh about a year ago.

Ryusui boosted

reminder: tomorrow, October 13, 2023 will be the most difficult day to play nethack for years in either direction and ascending during this confluence of bad luck would be turboswag.

#nethack #roguelike

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Ryusui boosted

Help save Webcomic Name "oh no!" blob?

Alex Norris has been giving us all joy and giggles with their lovely pink blob for a long time; for many years now, they've been fighting a legal battle with a shitty publisher that has pulled an outrageous rights grab.

Alex have a fundraising deadline on Monday October 9th to continue fighting for their rights. Can you help? No amount is too small.



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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!