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Ryusui boosted

Santa Claus climbing down chimneys to turn off motion smoothing on every TV in America

Ryusui boosted

today i released version 3.5 of webgbcam, my web app that simulates a game boy camera!

current features:
- settable gamma/contrast
- settable palette from curated selection
- settings are kept for the next session (new!)
- record 5-second gif
- 3-second timer to frame your shot
- swap between front and back cameras on mobile
- tweak camera settings after taking a shot
- hide the UI & use it as a window capture for streams!

picture courtesy of me bothering @Atatra 💜

Ryusui boosted

"When I was young," the old dragon said, "I hoarded gold."
"Were you wealthy?" asked the princess.
"Unimaginably. And I feared losing it all. So I began to seek knowledge."
"Were you wise?"
"Yes. I realised that, too, can be lost."
"It can."
"Mm. Did I tell you of my gold?"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Ryusui boosted

Are we sure geese aren’t just some sort of mech suit for snakes?

Ryusui boosted

well, that's my second social death this year

please share my stuff, everything i posted on twitter is gone now

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

@kirkmanbrandon Seen written in my Latin book in high school:

Latin's a dead language
Dead as dead can be
Latin killed the Romans
And now it's killing me.

Ryusui boosted

today i found out that clampNumber(64 / 64), 0, 3) on firefox 108 under linux and clampNumber(64 / 64), 0, 3) on firefox 108 under linux return different values

Ryusui boosted

My collection of DVDs is pretty erratic and a work in progress but Ozzy still seems to approve.


Ryusui boosted

So let me be very clear; this is just Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Artists who come here fearing imminent homelessness are going to be preoccupied with gaining enough eyeballs to make that not happen. Building a community is a tier above that in the hierarchy of needs and is not something people are gonna be shooting for if they might starve within the next few weeks. Once they're stable, almost all of them will move on to building a community because community and audience aren't even mutually exclusive. And scolding people who are frantic about basic survival about their lack of noble goals for using this platform isn't helping

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Ryusui boosted

The cost of denying someone else their humanity is your own.

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Academics will post like 17 brutal comments eviscereting your work and then end with “great paper thanks for sharing” 😂​

Ryusui boosted

…Anyway this is why the playdate is cool

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Ryusui boosted

Apparently there is an ongoing discussion about self-promotion for artists and other creators here in the Fediverse today.

My only take is, if you are a creator, artist, musician or a small business and I see you post something about works that you sell or get compensated for, I will boost you! 😊

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

I'm evangelizing for Mastodon because Twitter is likely toast, but I also want to be very clear that Black and disabled folks have built community infrastructure on Twitter that is real and meaningful.

We all need to be mindful of what Elon is destroying, and who it harms most.

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!