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Ryusui boosted

Which brings me to a warning.

Tempting as it can be, under no circumstances should you use the instructions I’ve provided here to assemble your own personal arm of crows to carry out acts of unspeakable evil—or even to wage justified campaigns of retribution against your enemies.

Crows are wise birds, and they will catch own quickly. Once your crow army realizes that your seeming friendship is merely an instrumental ploy to harness their power to your own ends, may God help you—for I cannot.

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

What a lovely excerpt: #Pele

“We went up together to head a ball,” the Italian defender Giacinto Facchetti said after playing him. “I was taller, had a better leap. When I came back down, I looked up in astonishment. Pelé was still there, in the air, heading that ball. It was like he could stay suspended for as long as he wanted to.” Facchetti’s teammate Tarcisio Burgnich was more circumspect. “I told myself he’s made of skin and bones, like everyone else,” he said. “I was wrong.”

The Benfica goalkeeper Costa Pereira met Pelé in the 1962 Intercontinental Cup, the predecessor of the Club World Cup, a meeting between the European and South American champions. “I arrived hoping to stop a great man,” he said. “I went away convinced I had been undone by someone who was not born on the same planet as the rest of us.” (gift link)

(Hat tip

Ryusui boosted

I made a Chrome extension that adds a "Copy Alt Text" option to the right-click menu on images. A few kind folks have offered localizations, and now it's time to cut a release.

Before I do, I'd love to add other languages. I have Czech and Japanese, can you help with others?

Open a PR to or translate:

- "Alt Text Copy"
- "Copy Image Alt Text By Right Clicking"
- "Copy Alt Text"

Please boost 💜

#AltText #Accessibility

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Let's arm wrestle! Click to accept my challenge --> 

*clasps paw with your hand/paw and just sits there*

Ha HA! You fell for my ruse! I just wanted to hold your hand/paw. ;D

Teehee 💙

Ryusui boosted

People in Germany: “You can’t call oat milk ‘milk’; that word should be reserved to animal products.”

People in the US: ham radio

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touched-starved yinglet seeks cuddles

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Ryusui boosted

We've been showing my kid some Terry Pratchett and reading her some books, and she's now weirdly obsessed with Rincewind. I also got her a plush Luggage, which is great.

Ryusui boosted

* Last person who was a known survivor from a slave ship died in 1940.
* The last survivor of slavery that I found was Sylvester Magee, who died in 1971.

This is not a comprehensive list of "all dates relevant to all issues in racial justice in the United States". What it is meant to make clear is that, despite all the black and white photography (which is intentional), you likely have parents and grandparents who carry living memory of these events.

So history, yes. "Ancient" history, no.

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Ryusui boosted

Honestly, this should be enough to nationalize an airline


From a Southwest Pilot;

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Ryusui boosted

job search, boost please :boost_ok: 

hi, im an autistic adult looking for fully remote work in data entry. i type 100 WPM+ with years of computer experience and i'm fully available all times of day except thursday afternoon. i keep getting contacted by indeed scams so the website is unusable. if you know a real company looking for fully remote data entry workers, please contact me.

#wfh #jobsearching #dataentry

Ryusui boosted

Detaching this because it feels weird to include it in the same thread, but I love that @AvengingFemme also uses the word "kerfuffle." I so rarely see it used, and it makes me happy.

Ryusui boosted

We don't talk enough about how, in modern society, "success" largely boils down to luck.

Sure, "hard work" also matters to some degree. But there are numerous hardworking people out there who never become successful, while others fall upwards because they were just at the right place at the right time, and had the right parents.

The notion that modern society is a Meritocracy is a lie.

Ryusui boosted

My brain is trying to convince me this song lyric is "We can build bridges / into the sun" and it's NOT but maybe we should try that anyway to see how it works.

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Ryusui boosted

discord has a pay-to-win model and too many schmucks are falling for it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!