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Ryusui boosted

Republicans are fascists. Don’t mince words. Every single member of that party is an open fascist.

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take me down to parallax city where the back moves slow and the front moves quickly

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Ryusui boosted

Saw someone post yesterday that Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams" was released closer to the end of World War II than to today … well, friends, so was Knight Rider.

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Ryusui boosted

Prepping for January with an icon that reflects both the new outfit and a slightly better understanding of yinglet anatomy than what I had a month ago (hands are tuned specifically to work with my Steam avatar border)

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Ryusui boosted

Yesterday I finished up my tiny queue of friend-gifts with this 'sona morph for @BeanedCatte

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if creature is so dangerous, why are they so fluffy????

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Hacker movie where it’s just some guy trying to right a comprehensive email validate in Perl. The movie is obviously a horror movie

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Ryusui boosted

Also in 1983, Lucasfilm (later Pixar) made the first high-resolution computer-generated image that was supposed to be near-photorealistic and "a single-frame movie".

"The Road to Point Reyes" took a month to render.


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Ryusui boosted

okay I just need to capture all the portraits and backgrounds (they're separate! for reasons!) and this is done.

font seems good

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!