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Ryusui boosted

If you’re online whining that Pink Floyd, Star Trek, and Star Wars have ‘gOnE wOke’ then you were never a fan of any of those things.

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Ryusui boosted

One of my favorite examples of animation smears is Benny stretching into regular bricks when he builds the SPACESHIP! in The LEGO Movie.

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Attempting to gauge interest, so please boost outside of my (rather small) circle:

Would there be any interest in a (largely menu based) game about the fantasy adventuring life.

A bit like Skyrim meets the Oregon Trail.

You explore the world, helping people with quests and general adventuring, all while having to hunt for food, manage energy and maintain equipment.

Goal would be to replace fancy graphics/3d movement with lots of depth and content.

Questions and criticisms welcome.

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Lately I've been developing this theory that bagels and hot chocolate would go really well together

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On, they’re called “rars,” not “toots,” and I want to emphasize that fact. It’s the only reason I agreed to be here.

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Ryusui boosted

There was a time in my life when I thought I was going to be a detective. Also, I just spent several minutes looking for a bracelet I was already wearing.

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If you insist that people learn to code in order to use technology, I'm going to insist that you grow your own flax, do the retting, spin it, weave it, and sew it before you're allowed to wear pants.

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Ryusui boosted

This realization came to me in a dream last night. Upon waking, the following occurred to me:

1. Did Guillermo del Toro already explore this idea while I wasn't paying attention?

2. What happens if you attach Pinocchio's head to a large building, effectively turning the entire building into his body, then while he is in that state turn him into a real boy

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Ryusui boosted

[image description: A creature resembling some manner of antelope. But possessed of more (and more confounding) horns. The Dilemma’s 5 largest horns curl and twist about. The birds that perch on them suggest that each horn generates its own inexorable and specific gravity. Text reads, “185, THE SMALL GOD DILEMMA”]

Sometimes there is no good answer. Sometimes the only way to win is to lose with a little less absolute finality...

Seanan McGuire's full text here:

Ryusui boosted

After yesterday's success with the #GameboyCamera #Trichrome for the #1990sCameraChallenge #ShittyCameraChallenge, I thought I would use a full-spectrum #Funtograph (taken without using the infrared cut filter) to produce a #Gameboy AEROCHROME.

I used the full-spectrum funtograph for the red layer, the red filter image for the green layer and the green filter image for the blue layer, according to the method of Joshua Bird. It looks pretty darn good, if I say so myself.

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When designing a typeface, test it with real text.

#LoremIpsum is a nonsense snippet used to test #fonts and typographic layouts. It's based on a passage about pleasure and pain from M. T. Cicero's "De finibus bonorum et malorum" ("On the ends of good and evil") written in 45 BCE.

Nonsense harms design mockups by drawing attention away from the meaning that a design aims to convey.[1][2] So instead, I test a #PixelFont with meaningful text, preferably a draft of the copy to be displayed. If I must use Lorem Ipsum, I use H. Rackham's English translation of the passage, which calls to mind the pain of design leading to the pleasure of the result.

[1]: Jason Fried
[2]: Kyle Fiedler

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do you wanna support a queer, trans family, get a fun game, AND save 40%??? you can do all three right now and buy princess farmer on steam! #indieGame #IndieDev

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!