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Ryusui boosted

Have the banks considered eating less avocado toast?

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You're not going to want to hear this, but you may need to consider the possibility that it's a You Problem rather than a Them Problem.

I'm not saying it -is- a You Problem. but it -could- be a You Problem.

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@darius Certain NES/SNES games have this sense of having been made in some other dimension and the only reason they feel that way is they were made in Europe

(and usually originally targeted a microcomputer that DOS steamrollered in the US)

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I'm not overly concerned with aesthetics as I zero in on a playable demo, but I'm not *not* concerned with aesthetics.

Basically, I want to make sure that the first experience of gameplay lives up to the tagline, even before there's much story to experience.

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Ryusui boosted

brief reflections on the dual nature of 'community' 

not sure how well I can thread this needle but as much as 'community' has the potential to be radical, empowering and good, it also has the potential to be extremely reactionary, exclusionary and bad.

anecdotal example: I lived through a natural disaster in which the affected rural community came together and organically engaged in some of the most selfless, spontaneous mutual aid I've witnessed. it was super cool.

but to my dismay this coming together during a crisis rapidly 180'd into vicious finger pointing based upon ruthlessly blaming Others as hated scapegoats for the severity of the catastrophic event (the Globalists, the Tribes, the city Liberals, etc).

the community basically collectively chose to 'reduce their circles of care', to borrow a term. They closed ranks and fortified exclusionary, anti-empathetic communal relations based on mistrust and detest for outsiders.

I know when like-minded radicals speak of community they generally mean community in the positive sense but I just read someone say: "Tearing down oppressive systems is not our main motivation, love for our community is." and this caused me to pause.

for me, while I adamantly do love my community, my ideals and values do not stop there. I care for those well beyond my community, for distant people who I will never know, that have nothing in common with me other than they also live and suffer and deserve to be free.

I suppose the nuanced point I'm trying to reach is that community can be beautiful and empowering when paired with ethical commitments to care – both for those within and outside of the community – but that these pro-social, empathy-guided values are not a prerequisite for a focus on community.

Sometimes I feel concerned that a fetishized conception of 'community' crops up that can inadvertently run-cover for values antithetical to those that I believe we are advocating: community in the ever-expanding, far reaching, anti-exclusionary sense.

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reminder that i am still open for music commissions

i set up a nice little page with the basic details:

and my full terms of service:

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my wife's company is trying to convince people to return to the office because one of their executives thinks its embarrassing when clients come by and the offices are empty, anyways, theatre students always need some pocket money and if someone wants to join my exciting new "potemkin village as a service" startup

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Ryusui boosted
Apparently, lwjgl 3.1.6 works on Windows 98. And Nvidia driver 81.98 provides OpenGL 2 for the Geforce 6800 under Windows 98

finally, i have been trying to make this work for way to fucking long and here it is
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(writer's note: posted this on Elmo's Hellsite but it needs to be here too)

Barnes reportedly came forward after 4 decades because "history needs to know what happened"

@GregPalast: "wrong. American voters needed to know about Reagan’s treason before the 1980 election" 🎯

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QotD - "It's not the job of those who've been hurt to keep hurting themselves attempting to effect positive change. It's the job of everyone else to make the people who've been hurt feel they can once again attempt to effect positive change without being hurt."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!