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Ryusui boosted

having a “reconstructing the news from the archaeological evidence left by our ancestors’ memes” sort of morning

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I decided to make a calculator app, except I'm doing it on pico-8 so that's gonna be interesting.

I got the last 4 letters of PEMDAS down so far!

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I have found myself in the _most bizarre_ conundrum today my friends, where i bought a second copy of Samurai Warriors 2 for Xbox 360, because my first copy doesn't work anymore for some reason, even though the disc looks totally fine and we gave it a good clean a while ago. …

… Only to find the second copy can't be read either!!

My X360 reads every other game I've thrown at it just fine – installed games, games from the disc, original Xbox games, discs in much worse condition than these ones. And I've tried both of my copies of SW2 on a different Xbox 360 and they don't work there either.

I can't just keep buying X360 copies of SW2 until one works. And we do have the PS2 version (and Xtreme Legends) if I want to play it that badly.

But this is just _so weird._ There's nothing visually wrong with either of the discs, and as far as I can tell the other PS2-era musou games I have on X360 work fine. Very strange situation.

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every time 3F800000h appears in this binary's static data I deserve to be paid 10$

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Ryusui boosted

I had occasion to refer to this page online today, so I took a quick photo.

"Gore, and Hazards of the Course" from Barbara Ninde Byfield's _The Glass Harmonica_. (Also reprinted as _The Book of Weird_.)

This is a strange literary treasure which really deserves to be available online somewhere.

#Books #Lexicons #Fantasy

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on linux everything is a file, which means you do everything through normal file operations like read, write, and ioctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB2, &drm_fb2);

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the cool part about mastodon is that you cannot kill me in a way that matters

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Ryusui boosted

Dystopian science fiction story where someone makes the observation that a bunch of classic internet memes are now old enough to vote and an edgelord-packed Supreme Court subsequently rules that this is true. The next year internet memes begin voting in increasing numbers

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Ryusui boosted

I'm so glad I gave Strange New Worlds a try. This episode is doing things I can't imagine seeing on any of the other shows.

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

INTERNET RATIONALIST: Consider the following thought experiment. Imagine a hyperintelligent artificial intelligence–

ME: No


ME: I am declining to imagine the hyperintelligent artificial intelligence.


ME: I'm thinking about birds right now


ME: Dozens of crows, perched atop great standing stones

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Coming up on 70 years of person A going “You see, software will never be able to do X!” and immediately being proven grotesquely wrong, then person B going “You see, this software is basically a person!” and immediately being proven grotesquely wrong, and so on like the world’s most evenly matched and annoying game of table tennis.

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there are 10 kinds of people: those who only understand binary, and 9 more who think and feel on completely different spectra

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I'm sorry, but I've stopped finding myself in this world. Just, like, sincerely speaking. Stuff like this, for a person who hinged their worth on utility, terrifies me. Maybe this is my boomer point, but generative AI - even with its inherent limitations - made me unable to imagine living in the world I am about to exist in.

How the fuck do I begin to explain this when I finally haul my ass to a therapist? Because I'll have to eventually, I can't possibly delay it for the fifteenth year.

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Ryusui boosted

Gameplay for Hello Operator continues to evolve. After I decided the flow was better if the player wasn't in the dead center of the single-screen field of play, I redesigned the mining platform for more of a side view. I think this gives it more character than the previous design. It's still very much a WIP/placeholder.

The basic shape is right, but the texture/styling isn't there. And the main mining turret is more a general idea than how I want it to look.

The main reason I started playing with this dynamic is I didn't want the player to be beset from all sides right away, but having rocks spawn in from one side of the screen still felt cramped when there was no room for them to not be up in your business immediately.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!