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Animal of the day (019)

Colorfully named Blue Dragon, this sea slug, or nudibranch, free floats in currents of temperate and tropical ocean waters worldwide, curling into a ball to protect itself when caught in waves. Growing to only 1.5 inches long, it feeds on creatures many times its size, like venomous siphonophores and Portuguese man o' wars. It then stores its meal's venom in cells that it can release at a later time, like when touched. The stored cells are concentrated, resulting in a more powerful punch than the man o' war's.

#Wahnimals #animals #nature
(Photo: Sylke Rohrlach on Flickr)

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WonderSwan homebrew toolchain development continues. I finally figured out and released a solution to doing advanced RAM/ROM layouting, allowing creating >768KB games and removing a kludge that was required previously.

There's still a bunch of work to be done, but I'm at the point where everything I'd still like to ship is either low priority or well understood with regards to how I'd like to see it implemented. Exciting!

Documentation for this new part is available at

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Good day for a walk on the lake! Wish I'd started earlier, but the weather was iffy.

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I think my favourite part of the Arch Linux Wiki is the bit on the Broadcom Wireless page where it says (paraphrasing) "This might be unethical or even illegal to do. Anyway, here's the exact command to do it."

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it's very funny that they exactly reversed the esteem of blue checks

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A game of Go on a hyperbolic manifold, played in the HyperRogue discord server, ended like this.
#noneuclidean #noneuclideangeometry #rogueviz #bringsurface #baduk

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1. Be gay
2. Do crimes
3. DO post about being gay
4. DON'T post about doing crimes, for the love of god, I cannot stress this enough, jesus christ
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The big issue on the BlueSky site at the moment is there is no manual self-tagging of content, it is all computer recognition, and the computers aren’t too good at recognizing cartoon dog-person hog.

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Why won't the raccoons stop screaming

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burger tulpa but instead it's fentanyl to kill the cop inside my head

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my transhuman agenda involves expanding the visible light spectrum range so that there are even more colors to dye my hair

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oh no i opened a portal to the quaternion dimension
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!