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Ryusui boosted

Reminder that in 2019, House Republicans in North Carolina waited until Democrats were attending a 9/11 ceremony to sneak into session and cram through a bunch of anti-trans hate bills.

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Ryusui boosted

The Wonderful toolchain is now available on Windows, opening up WonderSwan homebrew development to many more people!

Special thanks to Generic/RSDuck for creating the initial set of patches.

Installation instructions and downloads are available at

Ryusui boosted

Still thinking about this Tim Schaffer credit in Star Wars Racer thing.

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increasingly annoyed dimension hopper because our universe is the only one they've visited in 10 years of parallel universe surfing where they can't find a firewire-nano cable, and wouldn't you know it it's just when they land on a world with a broken cable and a shifting device running real low on battery power

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Ryusui boosted

A movie that makes you go "Oh, this is structured like a video game! :D" and another movie that makes you go "Oh… this is structured like a video game :/"

Ryusui boosted

this table of C escape characters is making the same noises as I do when I have to wake up early

Ryusui boosted

As a game dev: Please, don't buy games that uses Denuvo or similar tech. You will pay for a worst version of the game and a really expensive malware.

There is absolutely no justification for selling an infected version of your product that punishes people who support you. Even more when Denuvo does not work and will be cracked anyway.

You have rights. This is not a debate.

Ryusui boosted

whoever invented the concept of dialog boxes with the options "ok/maybe later" should be smashed to a pulp

Ryusui boosted

to be clear, I don't mean "explode" as in "explode in popularity", but "explode" as in "fireball that kills everyone involved in it"

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Ryusui boosted

Just throwing it out there again that my proposal for a universal platform-neutral term for retweet is reboggle

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i also want to draw attention to the subtitle HOSTILE PINBALL ACTION which is right up there with TERROR INSTINCT being a subtitle for one of the tetris grandmaster games

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

apparently the exploding and child killing car man says that big blocklists are cpu intensive and it’s too expensive but I bet somebody let slip just how many people he’s blocked by and it’s made him go off on one

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Ryusui boosted

HD Windows 95 isn't real it can't hurt you

HD Windows 95:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!