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Ryusui boosted

Are you a hacker/maker/nonprofit in the UK? Would you like some free 64×16 px RGB LED panels? We have a lot. We need to get rid of them.

Ryusui boosted

anyway i'm mostly daydreaming about this because i want to make a handheld one that still has a fuckin full size nes cartridge slot

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Felt the need to add a new sticker to my set and try my best to not cut any corners whatsoever making it

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

A wise individual pointed out to me tonight that a policy change that is conveyed to me privately but not publicly announced should not be construed as having any weight, and that I should consequently feel free to disregard.

Ryusui boosted

Teapot house and background finished (for now) 🍵 🌳

This scenery was also my first post here at the beginning of the year and I think it looks a bit better now

#PixelArt #MastoArt #GameDev

Ryusui boosted

Released *The Return of Traxtor*, a new game for #DOS and your IBM PC/XT (8086, CGA and PC speaker).

Info & FREE download:

Ryusui boosted

Shadow King launches tomorrow on itch and patreon. Made with #pico8 I had some help to overcome some of the restrictions - read on! 👇

Also, boost this post for a chance to win a key tomorrow! <3

Ryusui boosted

big lols at humblebundle putting out a "learn how to make games in godot" bundle just now. big dick move

Ryusui boosted

a character i designed and drew really quickly for an rp, but i really like how it turned out

Ryusui boosted

Of all those amazing writers still out on strike #StarTrek geeks are definitely my favorite. 🖖

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Starting January 1st 2024, it is the moral thing to do to block all communications to Unity telemetry servers on your firewall.

Ryusui boosted

Please, I beg you, put your username and password inputs on the same page. Don't make me click a button to go to the password entry then another to login.

Ryusui boosted

I keep seeing people saying they are happy to use AI text generators as sources of factual information, because they're confident that when the thing generates an inaccurate answer they'll easily spot it.

Speaking from my experience of 20+ years of professional fact-checking: the errors you can spot easily are not the ones you need to worry about.

Ryusui boosted

what am I supposed to clumsily photoshop jpegs of sweet baby rays into now

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Ryusui boosted

I`m working on a pseudo 3D-Engine for Pico8. Great fun, now I'm just waiting for great performance :`)
#pico8 #gamedev #8bit

Ryusui boosted

it makes it seem like finnish is a language with a LOT of words for sausage

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!