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Ryusui boosted

Struggled so much with this one I refuse to polish it any further

12/100 #pixelart

Ryusui boosted

I might be able to fix this printer after all, if I just solve the halting problem

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Ryusui boosted

The "panic! panic panic" sensation happens when I second-guess myself against being misunderstood. I've gotta learn to just say the thing, people will most likely get my drift, and if whoever I'm talking to has a problem I can clarify or reconsider afterward

Ryusui boosted

“This joke is so funny that I’ll totally remember it when I wake up.” - a Memoir by Chris Hallbeck

Ryusui boosted

you might say it's been a lo
that it's been the longes
you might say the waiting has been th
can you imagine how lo
kept you waiting huh
anyway it's been the longest wa

i'm gonna play a vido game

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Is it possible to avoid deadnaming yourself in a memoir? Asking for a friend. Who is named Dana.

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Oh wow, Treasure Conflix has been translated!
Preserving and making accessible Satellaview content is such a massive undertaking, so it's always great to see any little bit - but this isn't JUST "any little bit", it's Golden Age Squaresoft!
True heroes. 💖

Ryusui boosted

May you have the courage to break the patterns in your life that are no longer serving you

Ryusui boosted

For #genuary14, asemic writing, here's some procedurally generated calligraphy in the style of medieval blackletter. Let's also say that this is in honour of #RECEPTIOGATE on Twitter. #genuary

Ryusui boosted

A large butte :meowybara:, mostly drawn by voice.

Scenes and organic things are still very difficult with this setup sadly, but at least I managed in the end.
#PixelArt #Landscape #MastoArt

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Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

“you can’t go viral on the fediverse”, says person who hasn’t posted a joke about going viral on the fediverse

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Ryusui boosted

Sympathy card for people with crappy jobs that says “Sorry for your boss.”

Ryusui boosted

#genuary 14: aesemia

i've been intrigued by rectilinear fonts and scripts lately, so i generated this "writing" by randomly superimposing a fixed set of horizontal and vertical lines and boxes for each glyph

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Ryusui boosted

as posted by a headmate on twitter:

"plurality can be just this bullshit handwavey concept you can craft yourself to better explain your shifts in personality and facets and identities and anyone who says otherwise is a rule-shitting gatekeeper"

Ryusui boosted

"Atari 2600 Hardware Design: Making Something out of (Almost) Nothing"

no big surprises here if you already know about the "racing the beam" euphemism, but a neat post nonetheless!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!