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Gustavo and Brick's whole thing in Pizza Tower is one of my favorite video game story arcs in recent memory and it's told entirely via background animations without a single shred of dialogue

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My child told me they need a topic for an argumentative essay they have to write for school.

I am happy to announce they are now writing an essay on how cash bail for non-violent offenses merely serves to deprive the poor of their right to a presumption of innocence and the ability to effectively defend themselves.

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i just think that if you're not going to stand up for trans people then you don't get to call yourself an ally and if you're taking your own toys away you don't get to blame others for it

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Be aware: is shutting down.

If you're on that instance, migrate your account RIGHT NOW!

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Apologies to the people who are genuinely working to use their privilege for good, but I fucking swear, nobody should trust gay white cis dudes to run queer spaces.

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spending the evening sorting out a version of the egyptian pantheon i can make sense of for my d&d campaign.

haven't done good longform worldbuilding like this in a while, this is nice.
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Removed my bookmark to Tweetdeck today. Even if Twitter itself will keep existing, I'm not going there anymore - Tweetdeck made that hell site usable, and it's getting paywalled. I can't even _read_ it comfortably anymore.

Weasel's here to stay.

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This is the Lizzie Lincoln house, a reputed heavily haunted house. Normally obscured by trees, the dilapidated structure - built for Isaac Huyett and once the summer home of millionaires (including Alexander Boardman, a railroad conductor who conceived of the famous Atlantic City Boardwalk before marrying a rich widow) - it is reputed to be haunted by Lizzie Lincoln, who was killed by her philandering Philadelphia Lawyer Husband.


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This is becoming one of the weirdest weeks I've ever had.

But in good ways, by and large!

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Two modems from the same time period, the 90s were a wild time for design

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All of these hot takes about how Mastodon is too hard to use for mass adoption are missing the point entirely. We are not some tech startup trying to "disrupt" the social media ecosystem. We don't have VCs breathing down our necks pushing for continuous growth at all costs. We're just regular people out here building communities.

If people don't like Mastodon and decide to go back to Twitter, that's fine. They are not commodities to be exploited. If people like Mastodon and decide to stay, that's great! They are going to be more invested in the community because they are actually deriving real value from it.

If there's one thing the global capitalist system cannot fathom is that value can exist that is not fungible with monetary value. There are plenty of ways to create value for people that do not involve buying and selling. In fact the whole notion that value = monetary value is a relatively recent innovation in human history.

I'm not saying that capitalism doesn't have its benefits, but our minds have become so warped by its zero-sum game vision of the world that it's easy to believe that generating profits is the only thing that matters. We may have to play that game to justify our existence on this planet, but there's a whole world of value to be found outside of it. Just because we're forced to play the game doesn't mean the game is all there is.

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it is absolutely buck wild to me that everyone I know has been complaining about how google search results are getting worse for at least a few years now and tomorrow they're going to put on a press conference to excitedly tell us how it's about to go downhill much, much faster

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I made an obvious typo and just tried to install ouchdb on my server

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Do you remember the flash animation *There She Is*? Did you know it was part of a set of five? And they're about racism? Here, check it out:

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DISMAYED to have to say this but apparently I need to:

JKR is a virulent transphobe who has SAID OUTRIGHT that purchasing Harry P*tter merch = supporting her views

if you buy the new game you’re hurting us and are not an ally

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*The front door opens at 1:47AM; she stumbles in, clearly clam-drunk, conversing enthusiastically with a yinglet whose voice you don't recognize. You hear "g'night's" through giggling, then the door closes.*

Hmm? Oh, I bumped into Vizlet and we just had to get dinner--

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The beautiful bluish purple Water Hyacinth is a free-floating aquatic plant or hydrophyte. One of the fastest growing plants known, Water Hyacinth reproduces primarily by way of runners or stolons, which eventually form daughter plants.
Available here
#WaterHyacinth #hyacinth #AquaticPlants #plants #garden #gardening #AYearForArt #flowers #FlowerLover #FlowerArt #FlowerPhotography #photography #MastoArt #FediArt #GiftIdeas #HomeDecor #ArtForSale #PlantLover #art

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!