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Live with some SM64 Randomizer. First time playing the randomizer and if we do good we'll try the super hard randomizer lol

Return of Coding Streams. Gonna be working on some AI courses live on stream, come watch.

playing more FFXIV, doing post SB MSQ is today the day we finally reach Shadowbringers?

Yume is preparing mentally and spiritually

Bonus Friday Stream, Balatro, the card game that has been showing up in my dreams lately

Dark Souls II: SotFS

We're continuing our playthrough through the cleanest swamp in any dark souls

Playing everyone's other favourite poker themed game and also maybe doing some more work on Aisling's avatar

Sunday Strim!!

Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin Day 22

We're in the castle!

Playing everyone's favourite poker themed videogame from the LAST decade

Going live on stream gonna be messing around with Unity stuff, vtuber model stuff, and possibly faebot development. It's a rough and tumble stream for the last stream of the year.

come watch

Yeah we gay, keep scrolling

wait no, don't keep scrolling, click here and watch us play through the last bits of stormblood

Playing More Dark Souls II on stream, come see us die over and over again and then get back up and fight

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!