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see nearly every rail transit in NY simultaneously by heading to Queens, this bridge I used to look at every day overlooks the East River Tunnel entrance for LIRR, Amtrak, NJ Transit (on its way to Sunnyside Yards), the 7 Train, and Hunters Point Station

:temmie: :sans: :queer: :paw_fx90_wave: :paw_fx90_nail_varnish: :netscape: :heart_cyber:

Just looking at what cute emoji we have in this server

@zip I've started and stopped in a specific instance where i was testing something or persisting something but most of the time I'm rming (or forgetting to do that and letting the old container husks just sit there)

@calotriton yeah like at the end of the day it's just important to judge people and things on their own merits rather than on what capitalism makes some of them do.

I'm not looking forward to what we might someday have to do to those robots if things keep going the way they seem to be going

@calotriton we've been spending a lot of time online nowadays on here, cohost, and discord. And reading a lot of people's blogs. And it's so different. I still love online. -ember

instead of masculinity or femininity we're pursuing faeity...
fae tity

@calotriton tho I guess I'm being an open source idealist as I say that cause I'm sure most people still just use google and FAANG apps and just reads the bot content

@calotriton and one reason that it's harder to find is that one of the tools we used to rely on for finding any sort of content online now mostly only gives you SEO content so instead we have to rely on these social networks

my sort of optimistic outlook is that this has gotten so bad that there's a veritable movement for oldstyle websites and new social networks and stuff that exists outside of that and that hopefully the SEO internet will collapse once nobody is on it

@calotriton I think the thing that bothers me the most is all the content by bots or might as well be bots that was comissioned by humans for bots working at the behest of humans like, I've been mad at SEOification for years

and again I don't care who that content was written by I don't want to read it. do I think there'll still be content that's not that forever? I do. because there's still people other than businessess online. it's just gotten harder to find

L + ratio + wrong fs type + bad option + bad superblock on /dev/sdc2 + missing codepage or helper program + other error

@calotriton mostly I think we should engage with people regardless of who they might be. I take people at their word when they say they're not human and although I do also understand that there's a human body on a computer somewhere, there's stuff on the internet already where I just don't know.

so like if there's tripe that I don't consider worth reading I don't care if a human wrote it or not, same if I read something that's really interesting

achievement unlocked: my boss suggested i ask my headmate, who has more industry experience, to fill me in before tomorrow's meeting

(it was both completely appropriate and a good idea)

I just found an amazing website that lists all the movies and shows that only exist within other movies or shows. It's called nestflix

I found it whilst looking up content for the movie Hard to Watch: based on the book Stone Cold Bummer by Manipulate by Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock

the problem is I'm writing a sci fi novel and I keep getting distracted by trying to make stuff from the novel into real life

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!