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It went very smoothly!
We did find a spot to park to pick up the stuff. Drop off was a bit more hectic. But it's all done now!!

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A new character has been revealed for the Ace Combat 7, she is a super elite pilot. She's a lesbian? I just need to get out of bed and shower. No more delays! #acecombat7 #lesbianism#superel

Apparently twitter dms are down. Glad we dmd some ppl we were meaning to dm

Wish us luck moving the rest of our stuff from our new flat. Specially wish for us the we find a parking spot nearby to park the van.

I'm too busy with offline life to be able to keep up with discord servers like i used to

We read a book about an accountant. Now we're reading a book about a lawyer. She's not gay unfortunately.

What a lovely shade of orange

wouldn't it be funny if-.. no, it couldn't be

but maybe, let's have a peek...


is uranium glazed???
That must be tens of kg of uranium!

Hot damn I almost didn't want to leave

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!