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I want the power to tear it all down. But that power is not mine to hold it's for all of us to wield together. I know this, but I still want power. What's the synthesis here.

Everyone wants llms to be something they're not. They're primitives. Building blocks for other things. Now is the time for exploration not productisation.

Of course there's no money for that.

I hate health insurance I hate health insurance I hate health insurance

I wonder if this swimsuit was ever actually manufactured

I still can't believe Tumblr just nuked my account without warning or explanation

Again, I'm not a good day. Just woke up and took my meds before bed tonight so here's hoping for the best...🌈🎈🌿❤️. Seemed like it was going to be ok

u have to be very quiet when hacking so the coputer doesn't hear you. thats why its called ssh

let's get a group of queer commies together and pilmigrage pilgrimage to the lenin statue in the pole of inaccessibility and make a movie about it who's in?

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As long as we are re-making absolutely everything, I want:

Brie Larson as Buckaroo Bonzai
Channing Tatum as Penny Priddy
Tiffany Haddish as Lord John Whorfin
Kate McKinnon as John Bigboote
Tessa Thompson as New Jersey

In Natasha Lyonne's remake of The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai

This came to me in uneasy dreams. I woke up with a dry mouth and a pounding headache. Anyway now it's your turn to look at it

I promise you, this is not a weird little rubber desert island toy for smurfs, complete with coconut trees.

It's a liverwort which I just found growing between some paving stones behind our house. It must be...2cm (3/4") high?

#Macro #MacroPhotography #Liverwort


I only just recently noticed this lovely pedestrian tunnel at Bond Street London Underground Station. I really love the bright orange tiles and how they contrast with the dark blue backgrounds of the posters.

#london #art #transport #railway #architecture #mastoart #streetphotography #streetphoto #photography #photo #underground #londonunderground #orange

they should invent a kind of sleep that leaves you rested

The constant struggle:
Want to look at fanart for a thing
Get spoilered whilst doing so

They stop the fight whenever someone gets hit in the nuts which happens often

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!