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Critical Support for Ellen Jerico from MacGyver episode "Jerico Games"

mastodon has a bigger european presence tho. I still seem to follow a lot of anarchist cryptography people (it sucks that I have to spell out cryptography rather than just say crypto) from like before. and that's cool.

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I think it feels like most of my friends from twitter migrated to cohost rather than here, but I need to use both cause just one isn't enough. also I haven't been able to find all of them on cohost

trans woman in the year 23: Putabam me gravem esse artificem independentem 2000 annorum ex nunc

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I can see how the magic of marketing works and it's truly cursed knowledge

Finally Itanium can be deprecated and removed from the Linux kernel

BUT WAIT, Who's that?


Yeah it's a bubble but I'd love to get some of that bubble money whilst they're still giving it out plus this is the field I'll want to still be working in after the bubble pops

Arguably that's when the field will get better

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Thinking i should just shotgun apply to every ai/ml company i can find

it's easier to make a budget when you actually have income

the human condition is very simple, it turns out. in fact, theres only 4 emotions, im afraid. the emotions are defined by two boolean values known as mouth (emotional valence) and eyebrows (confidence)

1. mad >:(
2. bad >:)
3. sad :(
4. glad :)

Lautsprecher: „Bitte benutzen Sie zum Einsteigen die gesamte Länge des Zuges.“

Ich (ein Anhänger der Viele-Welten-Theorie): *nimmt Quanteneigenschaften an und betritt die S-Bahn durch alle Türen gleichzeitig.*

MRL lost one of their best shirts, trying out their new Godiva elixir. Always be careful in the lab, kids!

Art is by Tegerio, and color by the lovely marmelmm - go check both of them out on Furaffinity!

I do not have hair (or a body) like this in real life, but hey, you never know...

(Obscured nudity, nothing showing.)

I've been in a Sailor Moon mood lately. I'm not sure why, but it's ok with me. Here's an oldie but goodie: Sailor Mars vs Giant Robot! Or rather, how about some more recent art? Like this

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!