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complaining about health insurance and taxes 

dealing with taxes and health insurance in this country feels like an evil spell has been placed upon me that compels me to do meaningless labour in the form of filling out endless forms and performing endless calculations that someone could just do for me easier better cheaper

Why won't anyone hire me?! Companies must just want assholes

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I took a bunch of clips of my last stream and put it together into a video. Not super technical work, but I've only the barest of video editing skills so it's cool practice. Plus there's some funny moments. Check it:

BREAKING: this fox is a really hecm floofy fluff fluffer fluffy round spherical fluffy fluff fluff sphere fluoofy fluff cirlce fluff floofy spherical roundfoxxo fluff's floofy foxxo fluff

I get most of my morals from fantasy novels from the 90s

please imagine us as a little pixie with dragonfly wings who goes around telling people to make backups

onsite and offsite!

if your backups are encrypted make sure to also back up the encryption keys!

test your recovery procedures so you know they actually work!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!