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our first rando seed successfully completed and it only took 9 hours and 12 minutes.

that's the time to beat

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These two are gonna play OOT Rando and try to finish the seed we started yesterday

This is also Windows fuck up and the world's fuck up for still using 1 operating system for fucking everything

It's really funny that the name of the company responsible already sounds like it's a cyberattack

Trailer for our upcoming #DefendTheForest level of #SmashMAGA! #StopCopCity

:antifa_100: :anarchismred: :anonymous: :af: :molotov: :weed: :better_pride: :nyancat_rainbow:

Battle Lutzerath-esque Earth Rippers, Riot Trucks, Digidogs, B3 bombers and more dystopian police tech in a battle for the future for the WeeLaunee Forest, and beyond release on Steam for the #WeekOfAction #StopCopCityEverywhere #indiegames #antifagames #anarchygames #SteamGames #Atlanta #TortuguitaVive

A few more great talks I attended at #HOPE:

- Less Power to Porn Tech Giants, More Love in the Cyberspace by Dr. Spring Cooper and Alessandro Polidoro with some encouraging litigation in the US and positive legislative developments in the EU
- Animism and Artificial Intelligence by @transfaeries. This was one of my favorite talks this year, with so many interesting ideas and novel approaches to a whole variety of things
- Circumventing Prison Tech Censorship by the inspiring @twintrouble

Starting things off in Tobin we have @transfaeries with "Animism and Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Guide" at @hopeconf #hopeconf

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!