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RPGs are all "you don't meet the level requirement to equip this" When in real life the only thing stopping me from wielding this halberd is an extremely agitated museum guide, and I'm pretty sure I can take him

Tho we didn't use them all all that much. At one point we had like 10 twitter accounts. Should we make 10 fediverse accounts?

Meet Zelazny. Zelazny is an HP ProLiant DL140, who proudly served the now defunct "freenode" IRC network from at least as early as 2003 to the mid 2010s. He lived at
Oregon State University's Open Source Lab in Corvallis, Oregon and was featured for many years as an example server in the manpages for rcirc.

I feel like I just got a tweet! New York City is the best thing ever. The fae are real. They live in the US, but still. That's so nice! If you follow them, they'll... [More]

I want the power to tear it all down. But that power is not mine to hold it's for all of us to wield together. I know this, but I still want power. What's the synthesis here.

Everyone wants llms to be something they're not. They're primitives. Building blocks for other things. Now is the time for exploration not productisation.

Of course there's no money for that.

I hate health insurance I hate health insurance I hate health insurance

I wonder if this swimsuit was ever actually manufactured

I still can't believe Tumblr just nuked my account without warning or explanation

Again, I'm not a good day. Just woke up and took my meds before bed tonight so here's hoping for the best...🌈🎈🌿❤️. Seemed like it was going to be ok

u have to be very quiet when hacking so the coputer doesn't hear you. thats why its called ssh

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!