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The optimal known packing of 17 girls into a bed - i.e. the arrangement which minimises the size of the bed.

[cuddle pile. png]

Just learned set theory and I cannot contain myself.

yay we found a way to talk to it that didn't involve us lying

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it's me I'm the anthropomorphizer

*makes you nice and bipedal*

I don't think I feel comfortable using the "jailbreaking" methods on chatgpt.

Lower decks is the best star trek show currently airing

You, idiot: ghost in the shell is unrealistic. Why would people even have those implants, let alone connect them to the internet, which is obviously a security problem so huge it engenders existential crises
Me, absolute genius:

@schratze @aeva sucks when you're with an infinite number of people and you need somewhere to stay the night, your only option is the fucking Hilbert Hotel, it's expensive as hell and they still keep making you move rooms!

The new version of the rule is this, if you want to write a novel set in space. The main character could be an AI and it... wouldn't even have to be a human. That's pretty neat! 🌈🌈

I wouldn't say we're exactly high femme anymore but what we are does take effort

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On this day two years ago today, Perseverance and Ingenuity landed on Mars. And #curl helped it happen:

It gave me the opportunity to make what is still one of my all time favorite #curl graphs.

oh and they keep going even when I put the laptop to sleep that's what's MOST concerning

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somethings up with the fans on my laptop. nothing's using up resources and it's cool and yet it's going real hard.

dunno if paranoid or something's up. want to see if I can get fan controls on linux to work but then if nothing's wrong I could very easily make something go wrong

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!