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I get most of my morals from fantasy novels from the 90s

please imagine us as a little pixie with dragonfly wings who goes around telling people to make backups

onsite and offsite!

if your backups are encrypted make sure to also back up the encryption keys!

test your recovery procedures so you know they actually work!

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I've spent more time in my professional career looking for work rather than working and that feels very wrong

I also can't seem to decide which social media i want to use. i keep playing around with the remaining ones. Right now I'm in a masto phase.

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Now that I'm not on social media very often the things i see that "make me feel bad" make me feel worse than ever before and I'm not sure if this means I should keep staying away or retrain myself so that those things don't bother me as much

I would like to offer, for your approval,
- a romance
- between a 32-bit machine and a 64-bit machine
- which leans strongly into just how attractively incomprehensible the more advanced machine is (like how 32 physically cannot comprehend most of 64's memory, or even imagine how much of it there is)

"targetControlSystem" is such a good name for a fictional AI villain

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!