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We're continuing our DS II playthrough, gonna try to find the butterfly and maybe we'll see the gender change coffin tune in at

Let there be now the real fight begins
or seems familiar...

Sysadmin: ephedrine

Chemist: I can't serve you that.

Sysadmin: sudoephedrine

Chemist: There you go.

GitS is RIGHT NOW, and the laughing man incident is literally today


Playing a litte bit more Fallout: New Vegas. It's really fun so far, and there's robots

ML art 

i think the prank is more convincing if i write some text here

dunno what to do to get more viewers on stream we're still averaging a solid...2

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We have a job interview for a teaching job tomorrow. Wish us luck plz

wait casio actually did make a analog face calculator watches???

they're called "Flip Top" watches and they are a regular analog watch with a calculator underneath them. to get to the calculator you need to flip the analog face up and out of the way

this is so fucked, i love them

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!