anyway Zhadnost is a crazy FMV powered party game show full of dancing and surf rock (and, *cough* not great stereotypes) and it's probably the single strongest example of what the 3DO could do really well (that isn't an enhanced port of a PC game)
but I have always said, I got into the 3DO's library not because the games are good/great/the best - I got into it because the library is _batshit insane_ and made by all kinds of multimedia startups that otherwise would never have made games to begin with.
it is quite possibly the weirdest and most diverse software library of any console platform (except maybe the CD-i) with everything from Soviet Bloc game shows to first-person pinball, and I love the hell out of it.
because i mean if you asked me what the best 3DO games are, i'd probably tell you Star Control 2 and Wolfenstein 3D. Not the best look for a console's best games to be ports of couple-year-old PC games, right?