Boy it's hard to get around the modern internet without anything like a scroll wheel. Everything's designed around just being a quick swipe. Scroll bars are too narrow to grab, arrow keys are often interpreted as "next/prev item", pgup/pgdn go...well, an entire page at once.

This toot brought to you by "I got tired of my thumb-trackball that had a scroll wheel and switched to a more comfortable trackball that doesn't have anything like that and also doesn't have Mouse Button 3 at all."

@wildweasel oh huh, i’ve never actually used a trackball myself (despite liking them from a design perspective), and i’ve always assumed that most trackballs had a modifier button that made the ball act as a scrollwheel while held or something, because it just made so much sense to me that they would all have this. are there any that do this…?


@GFD this one (a Logitech Marble Mouse USB, that I believe they still sell as the Logitech Trackman Marble) can only technically do that if I install their driver software. While it's got a fourth and fifth button, it doesn't have a third one, and 4 and 5 do the usual back/forward thing in Windows.

@GFD oh my mistake, Logitech don't offer drivers for this model anymore

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