Permit me to brag, just for a little bit - this is "The Vehicle," a highly customized SunSeeker Fat Tad tricycle with electric pedal assist, sold to me by Utah Trikes. I've since had quite a few things attached, not the least of which is my new lockable trunk, a lightweight toolbox I bought from Home Depot and attached to the cargo rack with help from my dad, for a mere $50.

As I'm not confident enough to ride two-wheelers anymore, and don't have a license, this thing is my joy and escape.

It extends my reach beyond what I can walk to. It allows me greater precision in where I go than just where the bus routes take me. I can zip up to the arcade, or the gizmo shop, or downtown for a peek at the thrift mall, basically any time I want. And now that I have *lockable storage*, I no longer have to carry everything with me whenever I park up.

Just a little bit of padding on the inside and I can bring along whatever the hell I need to without having to bungee it down.

@wildweasel hello i love this, i've been looking at getting an electric trike for a bit now since i have mobility issues and don't want to be reliant on family members to drive me or public transport, this is really cool to see


@Atatra This model was my choice because it has a higher weight capacity than most trikes do (a lot cap out at 225, this one I think is rated for 300). The only really big hurdle is the cost; with the e-assist, fenders, and other accessories, it comes out to just about $6,000. But it's been a worthwhile investment all the same.

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