The next time I see someone whine about Electron apps being memory hogs, I will send them this screenshot of macOS telling me that iTerm2 and, both native apps, manage to take 180GB of memory in total for some reason

Tapping the sign that says "You don't hate Electron or Web technologies, you hate software made by people who aren't given the time to make it good"

Discord only taking 923MB in that screenshot is proving my point lmao.

(Don't @ me if you think that's too much, I have 32GB of memory and plenty of space to swap, go away)

Anyway, iTerm2 ending up at 10GB I can 'maybe' understand cause ive been cruising the qmk/via git repos for hours, as one does. leaking its way to 180GB of virtual memory tho... no clue what happened here lol. I have a big library but i've had a big library for years so.


@eramdam 180gb to run a music app? that's a little over half the size of my entire mp3 library, that's either a hell of a bad memory leak or it's slowly trying to have your entire library loaded into RAM at once

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