@keilajec does it not become a different category than kink in that case? it was my understanding that kink implies sexuality /gen

@wishgender kink implies sexuality but sexuality doesn't imply a sexual connotation, at least that's how I perceive it

@keilajec @wishgender Forgive me if I'm wrong (I learn best via analogy); would I be correct in comparing that to how being gay isn't inherently sexual, despite being a sexual orientation?

@wishgender in a sense? it's a distant analogy but it's the right idea!
someone else under this post said that shibari (a form of bondage) is a literal art form; it's taught in certain colleges in certain clubs because it's a non-sexual expression of one's sexuality

@keilajec I think that makes sense. I don't know if I fully understand, but I don't fully understand most things in the world, with experiences being subjective and all. Brains and human consciousness are weird haha

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