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mental illness 

I just don't feel anything at all anymore


It's so stupid I shouldn't feel this upset


I just feel defeated; no one gets it


Why do I show people anything


People just piss me the fuck off honestly. I hate being around humans, they bring me nothing but problems.

mental illness 

im such an angry person, i dunno how to deal with it sometimes

i am sending positive vibes to anybody feeling sad rn!!! it gets better and i hope you feel better ♡( ◡‿◡ )

mental illness 

ppl don't realise how quick i can be to drop them, i find it easy to detach myself from my emotions and cutting you out of my life if you hurt me deliberately.

mental illness 

i always go through these periods where i just honestly wouldn't mind dying

mental illness 

i've been a lot more moody and angry lately, i dunno why but my friends are starting to notice

i get a surge of anxiety if anyone texts me in a slightly different way


i honest to god cannot stand these white girls thinking they don't feminism, they all tend to be middle class and conventionally attractive. Why do these women think that being anti-feminist is a new thing and 'edgy' when its the norm. Newsflash being sexist is the norm and hasn't ever been against the grain.

my friend is obsessed with chris-chan he won't stop talking about him

my cat is always so grumpy but i know he loves me deep down

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!